R score calculator

Using the R score calculator to calculate your R score:

add class
class name r score mark class average standard deviation high school average credits

Overall R score : N/a

To learn more about the R score and how to calculate your R score

If you wish to learn more about the R score and how it's calculated you can visite the page La cote R (only available in french presently) presents the complete R score formula used to calculate the R score used by universities as a mean of student selection.

Changes to the R score, updated formula

Did you know the R score formula was updated? The R score calculator still enables you to get a good estimated of your R score.! If you wish to learn more about the updated R score formula and the changes made to the R score calculation, the Présentation sommaire de l’ajustement au calcul de la cote de rendement au collégial from the Bureau de coopération universitaire (BCI) has answers to all your questions.

Rules surrounding the R score

The R score formula and it's rules might seem complicated at first, but it can be summed up by these 3 statement:

  • The further your grade is above the average of your class, the higher the R score you will have
  • A higher number students in your class with grades close to the class average means a higher reward in terms of R score from being above you class average
  • The more students in your class obtained good grades while in high school, the more your R score for this class will be high
  • In the end, to get a better R score, the only thing you can control is the grade you will obtain in this class.

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